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Who Hears and Sees: Face-to-Face Connections

Footprints in the sand reveal the path a group of deer took last night as they walked along the road together. Wood ducks gather together in anticipation of autumn early one morning swimming, flying and calling to each other around the lake. Several Chickadees up in the tree call to one another. The driver of a red SUV zooms past and waves at me. Usually there is a group of Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound) dogs barking and following me along their fence, but not today. Little Bennie, the Pomeranian, sees me and barks a ‘hello’ as I pass.

I wave hello to a fellow early morning walker, as she passes me heading in the opposite direction. She waves, then looks straight ahead. I comment on a deer I saw up the road ahead of her, but she doesn’t hear about the deer because she has ear plugs in her ears and is listening to something else.

The birds know a joyful call from an alarm call; chipmunks and dogs bark a warning to one another; we nod or wave as someone passes. Connecting to one another comes naturally. We like to be acknowledged as unique human beings. How do you feel when someone doesn't respond to your text, comment or phone call? Perhaps left out or isolated?

Technology can hinder us from connecting with one another. We need interaction and face-to-face communication with each other. We need it even more in the spiritual sense when we go into our prayer closet, shut out everyone and everything in order to express our heartfelt concerns to our Heavenly Father.

He is there to hear, to mend, to heal, to direct, to forgive, to love. There is nothing too small; nothing too big to lay at His feet. Take time today to cast your cares on Him--he is waiting to hear from you. Then remember to give thanks.

"He who planted the ear, does he not hear?

He who formed the eye, does he not see?" (Psalm 94:9 ESV)

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer.

But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (I Peter 3:12 ESV)

"Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh[b] and refreshment[c] to your bones." (Proverbs 3:7-8 ESV)

For more on face-to-face communication:

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