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Reaching out in Expectation

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

She said she couldn’t bring herself to touch Blessing (healing, deliverance, etc.). If she got past her discouragement and reached out to touch the warm down of encouragement, she pulled her hand back at the last second, looked down and walked away.

I’ve read of or conversed with many women who feel this way. The feeling there is something inherently wrong with THEM. While everyone else is cruising along in this life with their act together, for some, there is always trepidation going into a situation. Their miniscule confidence slips away as the ugly head of shame, discouragement or inferiority raises its cold hand and pulls them back.

When we tell ourselves I can’t because _______ (fill in the blank with any number of reasons or excuses), we will never break free of discouragement.

There is a picture of tenderness found in Mark 5, where a woman, who suffers much agony due to an issue of blood, hears of the miracles of healing by a man named Jesus. She decides to find out for herself and pushes her way into the crowd surrounding him, as he makes his way to a synagogue official's house to help the man’s daughter.

She doesn’t want to take up his time by interacting with him because all she believes she needs to do is touch the hem of his robe and she will be healed.

And in the disorganized tussle of everyone bumping into each other, she is able to reach out and touch his garment. Immediately she feels something different--healing taking place in her body.

He turns and asks, “Who touched me?”

His disciples nearly laugh, probably thinking, “What? Who touched you? Just look around at the crowd.”

Jesus knew someone had touched him in faith, believing. The woman came forward to him in fear and trembling and perhaps embarrassed to have to tell this man in front of a multitude why she touched him. But he didn’t intimidate or mistreat her. He calls her ‘daughter’ and commends her faith (i.e., confidence in and acknowledgement of what he professed to be; belief that he could heal her; conviction that if he couldn’t make her well, no one could; her reliance on the words he spoke; her expectation that if he claimed to be the Son of God, this healing would be possible) for all to hear and to go in peace and be free of the affliction.

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am convinced is in you as well.

(2 Timothy 1: 5, BSB)

She reached out in expectation and God’s power working through Jesus met her there. Do you know you can come boldly before the throne of grace, because He loves you. Do you know He has written your name on the palm of His hand, He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows your lying down, your rising up, your labor and your leisure, your laughter, your tears. He is intimately acquainted with you.

Who is this lover of your soul? I asked that question long ago and my Heavenly Father, at the right time, came softly and embraced me in His arms of love.

Do you desire to know Him? Today is the day of salvation. Look up, your redemption draws near. There is nothing that can keep you from the love of God through Messiah, Jesus.

You are worth dying for.

Blessings to you in your faith walk.

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