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Refreshment: Did you bathe today?

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

I took a bath this morning at 7 am in the woods. Research shows shinrin-yoku or ‘forest bathing’ (taking in the forest atmosphere) is good for us. The scent of the forest, the sound of the leaves, being surrounded by clean air, experiencing God's creation is relaxing and soothing. Researchers say it has health benefits. So what do you do if you live far from the woods?

Years ago my husband was the science director for a wilderness preservation camp in the northern Michigan woods. He helped middle school age kids from the inner city to explore and gain a new appreciation of the natural world around them that many never had the opportunity to experience previously. When they arrived, they took one look around at the woods and pleaded to go back home.

The first hike they went on they sort of tiptoed behind him, holding their arms close to their body not wanting anything to touch them. However, by the end of the week, they were excited to be the first to identify birds by their flight, explore a deserted beaver lodge, and learn how far to stay away from a bee tree (wise advice). They were excited to explore nature and could hardly keep their attention on the topic at hand.

When the last day came and everyone was waiting with their luggage to board the bus, many of the kids were hugging, crying and asking my husband, they affectionately called ‘Bird Man,’ if they could stay another week. After having all their senses washed with ‘forest bathing’ and learning about the ecosystem, they wanted to stay and continue to experience it. I wonder if, decades later, they maintained, developed and shared their interest with family members to give them the gift of shinrin-yoku.

So if you want to be refreshed, make time for a walk, trek or hike through the woods, past the streams, near the meadows or, if you are in a city, find a botanical garden and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.

O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalms 104:24 (ESV)

Here are some resources for your perusal, if you’d like to be involved on another level. Remember to bathe! Thanks for stopping in; see you soon.

Sierra Club International

Great old broads for wilderness

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